100 citata iz 15 najboljih pročitanih knjiga— dio 4 – Bruno Boksic
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100 citata iz 15 najboljih pročitanih knjiga— dio 4

Danas smo na predzadnjem dijelu ove serije i obrađivat ćemo tri knjige: Unscripted MJ DeMarca, The Art of Learning Josha Waitzkina i Everything is Fucked Marka Mansona. 


Ako imaš potrebu pročitati samo jednu knjigu o financijama i poduzetništvu, onda je to Unscripted. Knjiga ima sve što ti treba bez sranja koja se redovno provlače kroz poslovne knjige (nefunkcionalne i općenite savjete poput “vjeruj u sebe”). 

  1. They want what they think is best for you, and unfortunately, what’s best in their eyes is “normal” and “safe.”
  2. When I was a youngster, I saw a Porsche and my dad had a new Toyota Camry. I asked my dad, “Why does the guy driving the Porsche have a better car than us?” My father told me it’s because he was lucky. So I thought, “OK, I hope I grow up lucky.”
  3. As soon as you’re old enough to hold a crayon, you’re taught that “work” or “things I’d rather not do” start Monday and end Friday, while “play” is reserved for the weekend. By the time you graduate from college, you’ll suffer through 650 weeks in seventeen consecutive years of Monday through- Friday conditioning, a regimen accounting for nearly 100 percent of your sentient life, in which it’s clear: for each of the next 2,600 weeks of your life (fifty years), you must surrender five days into the system, while two are for you. Good deal?
  4. Despite that Vogue magazine, despite that Audi commercial, despite that banner ad, you are not what you own, but you can be owned by what you own.
  5. temporal prostitution—the subordination of time to money; the presumption that time is unlimited and can be fecklessly traded, squandered, and dishonored, while money is piously coveted as a limited resource.
  6. UNSCRIPTED is self-actualized freedom by exclusion and excommunication. Don’t confuse this with minimalism or being a waitstaff-stiffing cheapskate. UNSCRIPTED entrepreneurs live well by
    choice, not by necessity. “
  7. Theoretically, I retired nearly thirty-five years early. Still, every day is payday. Every day is Saturday. Every day is owned—every second and every hour are mine. Fundamentally, I am as rich in time as Bill Gates or any other billionaire.
  8. It’s a simple truth: “Fuck you” freedoms cannot be ascribed by dependence or hope. The source is irrelevant. Living in your parent’s house? Dependent. Living off the government’s nipple? Dependent. Is your lifestyle tied to a job and the income it provides? Sorry, dependent. Is your retirement locked into a fifty-year marriage with Wall Street? Or how well the stock market performs? Again, sorry—dependent.



Knjiga o liku koji je bio svjetski velemajstor u šahu i kompletno suprotnoj disciplini– borilačkom tai chiju. Ova knjiga je spajanje dvije krajnosti svijeta, rat i mir, strpljenje i borbu, naprijed i nazad. Genijalna knjiga i ogromna preporuka za čitanje.

  1. Many kids like this are quite talented, so they excel at first because of good genes—but then they hit a roadblock. As chess struggles become more intense and opponents put up serious resistance, they start to lose interest in the game. They try to avoid challenges, but eventually the real world finds them. Their confidence is fragile. Losing is always a crisis instead of an opportunity for growth—if they were a winner because they won, this new losing must make them a loser.
  2. While I found this work interesting, the effects of moving away from my natural voice as a competitor were disturbing. Instead of following my instincts, my coach urged me to ask myself, “What would Karpov do here?” But Karpov had cold blood and mine boiled. When he searched for tiny strategic advantages, I yearned for wild dynamics.
  3. To my mind, the fields of learning and performance are an exploration of greyness—of the in between. There is the careful balance of pushing yourself relentlessly, but not so hard that you melt down. Muscles and minds need to stretch to grow, but if stretched too thin, they will snap. A competitor needs to be process-oriented, always looking for stronger opponents to spur growth, but it is also important to keep on winning enough to maintain confidence. We have to release our current ideas to soak in new material, but not so much that we lose touch with our unique natural talents. Vibrant, creative idealism needs to be tempered by a practical, technical awareness.
  4. Similarly, it is not so difficult to have a beginner’s mind and to be willing to invest in loss when you are truly a beginner, but it is much harder to maintain that humility and openness to learning when
    people are watching and expecting you to perform. True enough. This was a huge problem for me in my chess career after the movie came out. Psychologically, I didn’t give myself the room to invest in loss.
  5. Along the same lines, in my chess days, nearly all of my revelatory
    moments emerged from the unconscious. My numbers to leave numbers approach to chess study was my way of having a working relationship with the unconscious parts of my mind. I would take in vast amounts of technical information that my brain somehow put together into bursts of insight that felt more like music or wind than mathematical combinations.



Prva Mansonova knjiga je bila popularno i brzo čitanje, a ova je puno dublja i teža, ali upravo radi toga i puno bolja. Za većinu ljudi koji danas osjećaju bilo kakvu depresiju, uzmi ovu knjigu i pročitaj da shvatiš šta trebaš uraditi da se iščupaš iz tog stanja. 

  1. When people prattle on about needing to find their “life’s purpose,” what they really mean is that it’s no longer clear to them what matters, what is a worthy use of their limited time here on earth—in short, what to hope for. They are struggling to see what the before/after of their lives should be.
  2. Basically, we are the safest and most prosperous humans in the history of the world, yet we are feeling more hopeless than ever before. The better things get, the more we seem to despair. It’s the paradox of progress. And perhaps it can be summed up in one startling fact: the wealthier and safer the place you live, the more likely you are to commit suicide.
  3. For centuries, psychologists and philosophers assumed that dampening or suppressing our emotions was the solution to all life’s problems. Yet, here was a man stripped of his emotions and empathy entirely, someone who had nothing but his intelligence and reasoning, and his life had quickly degenerated into a total clusterfuck.
  4. Intellectually understanding how to change your behavior doesn’t change your behavior. We know we should stop smoking cigarettes or stop eating sugar or stop talking shit about our friends behind their backs, but we still do it. And it’s not because we don’t know better; it’s because we don’t feel better.
  5. But here’s the funny thing about value hierarchies: when they change, you don’t actually lose anything. It’s not that my friend decided to start giving up the parties for her career, it’s that the parties stopped being fun. That’s because “fun” is the product of our value hierarchies. When we stop valuing something, it ceases to be fun or interesting to us. Therefore, there is no sense of loss, no sense of missing out when we stop doing it. On the contrary, we look back and wonder how we ever spent so much time caring about such a silly, trivial thing, why we wasted so much energy on issues and causes that didn’t matter. These pangs of regret or embarrassment are good; they signify growth.
  6. The only way to change our values is to have experiences contrary to our values. And any attempt to break free from those values through new or contrary experiences will inevitably be met with pain and discomfort. This is why there is no such thing as change without pain, no growth without discomfort. It’s why it is impossible to become someone new without first grieving the loss of who you used to be.
  7. Nietzsche predicted coming conflicts between the ideologies built on master and slave moralities. He believed that these conflicts would wreak greater destruction upon the world than anything else seen in human history. He predicted that this destruction would not be limited to national borders or different ethnic groups. It would transcend all borders; it would transcend country and people. Because these conflicts, these wars, would not be for God. They would be between gods. And the gods would be us.

A idući tjedan idemo u citate zadnje tri knjige: 





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AUTHOR: Bruno Bokšić
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